JUDA-Judaism Through the Arts

We Value:

· Experiential Jewish learning that is fun, interactive, and memorable.

· Accountable Hebrew learning system where children thrive.

· Jewish identity and pride.

· Warm and inclusive environment.

· At Juda we engage your child's sense of Jewish identity by capturing his/her imagination and attention.

· The lessons are multi-sensory and hands-on, ensuring that the students truly experience what they are being taught. The lessons are structured to create a lively, interactive Jewish experience. The information truly becomes the student's own.

We promise that every week will be

· Engaging

· Innovative and fun

· Relatable

· Memorable

JUDA is Sunday Morning 10am-12pm


$750- Non Partners

$500- Partners

$50- Early Bird Discount if registered by July 30th

Registration for the 2024-25 year is now open.

Questions? Email info@chabadlakenorman.com

Our program does not require any family membership at a synagogue and all students and their families are welcome to attend services at Chabad at no additional cost. Our programs are open to families of all backgrounds and affiliations, no family will be denied because of inability to pay.

*Please note, our synagogue is traditional, and we can only officiate life cycle events, such as Bar and Bat Mitzvah, for children of a Jewish mother or those converted under Halachic auspices. Email info@chabadlakenorman.com with any questions.

*Calendar Subject to Change